PDS Utils

Utilities used by the pds sub-package.



 IndexLabel (labelpath:Union[str,pathlib.Path])

Support working with label files of PDS Index tables.

Type Details
labelpath Union Path to the labelfile for a PDS Indexfile.
The actual table should reside in the same folder to be automatically parsed
when calling the read_index_data method.



 index_to_df (indexpath:Union[str,pathlib.Path],
              label:__main__.IndexLabel, convert_times=True)

*The main reader function for PDS Indexfiles.

In conjunction with an IndexLabel object that figures out the column widths, this reader should work for all PDS TAB files.*

Type Default Details
indexpath Union Path to the index TAB file
label IndexLabel Label object that has both the column names and the columns widths as attributes
‘colnames’ and ‘colspecs’
convert_times bool True Switch to control if to convert columns with “TIME” in name (unless COUNT is as well in name) to datetime



 PVLColumn (pvlobj)

Manages just one of the columns in a table that is described via PVL.



 decode_line (linedata:str, labelpath:Union[str,pathlib.Path])

Decode one line of tabbed data with the appropriate label file.

Type Details
linedata str One line of a .tab data file
labelpath Union Path to the appropriate label that describes the data.



 find_mixed_type_cols (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, fix:bool=True)

*For a given dataframe, find the columns that are of mixed type.

Tool to help with the performance warning when trying to save a pandas DataFrame as a HDF. When a column changes datatype somewhere, pickling occurs, slowing down the reading process of the HDF file.*

Type Default Details
df DataFrame Dataframe to be searched for mixed data-types
fix bool True Switch to control if NaN values in these problem columns should be replaced by the string ‘UNKNOWN’
Returns list List of column names that have data type changes within themselves.



 fix_hirise_edrcumindex (infname:Union[str,pathlib.Path],


The HiRISE EDRCUMINDEX has some broken lines where the SCAN_EXPOSURE_DURATION is of format F10.4 instead of the defined F9.4. This function simply replaces those incidences with one less decimal fraction, so 20000.0000 becomes 20000.000.*

Type Details
infname Union Path to broken EDRCUMINDEX.TAB
outfname Union Path where to store the fixed TAB file