OpenPlanetary Data Cafe and Friends

Michael Aye


Who am I, Michael Aye?

  • Coding-inclined planetary scientist, participated in several space missions (Dawn, Cassini, BepiColombo)
  • Fighter for open-source, open-data, open-science
    • If I can’t reproduce with public data and public code, I consider published works at best smelly.
  • Worked at MPS, UBe, UCLA(JPL/NASA), LASP, Freie Uni Berlin.

You can find this talk and other resources on

What is OpenPlanetary?

Practically speaking

We are

Our Mission

Our mission is

  • to promote and facilitate the open practice of planetary science and data analysis for professionals and amateurs
  • by organizing events and conducting collaborative projects aimed at creating scientific, technical and educational resources, tools and data accessible to all.
    • e.g. monthly OP Virtual Lunch talks


  • started back in 2015 from an initial participants effort to stay connected and share information related to and beyond the ESA’s first Planetary GIS Workshop.
  • continued during the 2nd USGS Planetary Data Workshop, and aggregated more people.
  • In 2018, established non-profit organisation, to provide a legal framework to sustainably fund our community framework, projects and activities, and better serve the planetary science community as a whole.


  • co-founded by presiden Nicolas Manaud and US c Chase Million (
  • we have a board of directors with shared responsibilities
  • Slack channel has > 800 members from all over the world
  • you can find many planetary scientists, planetary data experts, software developers, directly involved in the tools you use every day

GMAP course

  • A regular growth event is the Planetary Geologic Mapping Winter School of the GMAP organization by Angelo Rossi and others
    • Lots of resources for planetary geologic mapping to find there!

Covered topics by OP members in Slack and Discourse Forum

  • channels for PDS, PSA, ISIS, GDAL, PlanetaryPython, SPICE, conda, mapping, jupyter, machine-learning, cloud, docker, QGIS, and more.
  • folks directly involved in the tools you use every day: GDAL, ISIS, PDS, SPICE, PSA, ASP, PlanetaryPython, etc.


Software stack

If you are new to planetary science, you might not be aware of all the tools and resources available to you. (OP can help with that! #tools channel)

Here’s a quick overview of the planetary science software stack.

Software virtual environments

  • Despite some challenges and learning curves, many people recommend conda environments as the most sustainable way to manage software dependencies in our field of science.
  • Don’t listen to your IT departments, when they say, you can do everything without conda. (convince them otherwise ;) )
    • GDAL still today is the dealbreaker, requires more work than really necessary.
    • There are a few other libraries that have similar issues.


Planetary Python

  • We are an organization as well:
    • We have code of conduct, regular technical meetings, trying to establish a core package for standard tasks in planetary python.
  • I have a large-ish chaotic package, that is being transferred to the organization, piece-by-piece, in a peer-review fashion.
  • slowly growing community package:


  • Show SPICE and Index functionality