Mamba is the new Conda

software management

Michael Aye



Mamba is a CLI tool to manage conda environments and a drop-in replacement for the conda CLI tool. It is built in C/C++ and hence resolves package dependencies much faster than the Python-coded conda.

It also offers parallel downloads for new or updated packages, so that updating your environment or adding a new package isn’t a chore anymore, it’s blazing fast! :)

You install it (only!) into your conda base environment like so:

conda activate base
conda install -c conda-forge mamba

When creating a new Python system, I can recommend to go immediately for the new mambaforge installer, that will:

I am working exclusively with the the conda-forge channel for several years and never, or very rarely, had an issue with that.

Just remember: Don’t mix channels much, the less the better. (It’s okay for a one-time mamba install into your base though.)
